Painting of the month - 2007


>> January 2007

“Scars and memories 2” 

2006 - 2m / 1m40

>> February 2007

“Road to Baghdad 3” 

2006 - 2m / 1m40

>> March 2007

“Night traces 5” 

2006 - 2m / 1m40

>>   Painting & Works  -  Galleries

Gallery 1 - Gallery 2 - Gallery 3 - Gallery 4 - Gallery 5

Works from 1989 to 1996

Painting exposed in several cities around Morocco.

Photography and computer graphics have been used.





Gallery 1 - Gallery 2 - Gallery 3 - Gallery 4 - Gallery 5 - Gallery 6

Works of 1999 to 2005

Those painting have never been exposed before. During this period I was working on a lot materials and the painting takes many steps before being ready to leave my workshop. I used to keep them for my nerves; I used to cut & destroy them and use them as a new material.




Gallery 1 - Gallery 2 - Gallery 3 - Gallery 4 - Gallery 5

Works of 2006 & 2007

Paintings with big size, the colour dominate, I stop destroying my works." Scars & Memories" series, witch use painting, video & mixed techniques.




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