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The Gallery - My Paintings & Works.

"Through a straw"

Posted at: 12 January 2016 - Rabat

Technical sheet

Ref: 50/2015

Title: Through a straw.
Collection: The Desert Revolution.

Dimensions: 2m/1,40
Material : Oil on canvas + Collage.
Date: NOV 2015

Private collection


Details of this painting:



"The Desert Revolution":

Glory to the divine man.

My new collection of paintings - 2016.

Inspired from my readings and trips in the past two years, especially  through the roads of Morocco, Benin and Mali. This collection is titled:  "The Desert Revolution". A tribute to children in war zones and military conflicts, regardless of their skin color or their religions.

The world is changing his faces, this is the worst nightmare for those who dream of a better future away from the divine. Since the dawn of time, Man was the creator of its history & its civilization, he's the legitimate source of light and intelligence.

The Sahara also has

its own enlightenment,

 it will light… like never.

 >>>   A movie about

this collection on YOUTUBE  >>>


The official website of LEO - Khalid FAKHAR - Artist & Writer

Email: khalid@mpntv.com

2006 - 2016